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Prof. Vincent Torre (SISSA) and Prof. Yong Chen (ENS) paid formal visits to SINANO

Author:SONG Qin Update time:May 17, 2013

Prof. Vincent Torre, from International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA), Italy and Prof. Yong Chen, Department of Chemistry, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, France were invited to visit SINANO on May11-14, 2013.

In his stay in Suzhou, Prof. Torre gave an excellent talk entitled" Optical trappping: a new tool to investigate neuronal functions " to overview his scientific research on the interface between Nanoscience and Neurobiology. Prof. Yong Chen’s lecture involved development strategy of synthetic cellular microenvironments, presenting the patterned extracellular matrix and microfluidics and its application in molecule and cell biology.

At a half-day workshop, Chinese team members, headed by Prof. Cheng reported briefly the project progress made in SINANO. Both of two partners discussed the mutual international collaboration, regarding on personnel exchange, two sides expertise.

The two visitors also toured the Nano-Fabrication & Nano-Characterization Platforms in SINANO and BioBay, and were impressed by the advanced equipment, managemen team and attractive policies to promote high technology in Suzhou Industrial Park.

Prof. Vincent Torre
Prof. Yong Chen
