News & Events

PERC Researchers Attended the Large-area Organic & Printed Convention (LOPE-C 2013) in Germany

Author:Zheng Cui Update time:Jul 11, 2013

The annual international event of Large-area Organic & Printed Convention (LOPE-C 2013) was held in Munich, Germany, on 11-13 June 2013. Researchers from the Printable Electronics Research Center (PERC) at the Suzhou Institute of Nanotech (SINANO) attended the Convention which included business, scientific and technology conferences running in parallel, as well as on-site exhibitions. LOPE-C started in 2008 and has become one of the major international events for organic and printed electronics held in Germany annually.

Professor Zheng Cui, Director of PERC, was invited to speak at the business conference. His invited talk, titled “Technology development and market opportunity of printed electronics in China”, has drawn great interests among audience. Dr. Jian Lin and Dr. Wenming Su from PERC also presented their posters at the scientific conference. In addition to attending the conferences and exhibition, PERC researchers visited 6 companies in Germany and Denmark, as well as Professor Krebs’ OPV laboratory at Denmark Technical University. A proposal has been put forward to establish a formal link between Professor Krebs’ laboratory and PERC.

On the day before the conference, the Organic Electronics Association (OE-A) held its general assembly. Professor Zheng Cui gave a short introduction about PERC at the assembly to all the attending members. By attending the LOPE-C event, OE-A general assembly and visits to European companies, PERC has made known in Europe. A closer interaction with international organic & printed electronics community is expected to follow.


Delegates of PERC researchers at the LOPE-C 2013

Professor Zheng Cui gave an invited talk at te LOPE-C business conference

