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SINANO Researcher was Invited to Speak at the Future China Global Forum

Author:Zheng Cui Update time:Jul 11, 2013

The Future China Global Forum was held on July7-8 in Singapore. The Forum was initiated by the then Singapore premier Lee Kuan Yew and Chinese premier Wen Jiabao in 2010, to serve as a platform for sharing in-depth analyses and experience related to the latest trends and developments shaping China’s rapid evolution. It is organized by the Singapore “Business China” and delegates are senior leaders and experts in political, economical, science and technology, cultural fields from all over the world. The theme in 2013 Forum is “Assessing China’s course under the new leadership”. The Forum was organized around 18 topic areas, including “Living with single digit growth”, “Will China still be the factory of the world but in a different way”, “Inching towards the Yuan as a global trade currency”, “Towards a new boost to the private sector”, “Key questions about China’s rise”, etc.  

Professor Zheng Cui, Head of Printable Electronics research Center (PERC), was invited as one of panelists to speak at the session of “The road from made in China to create in China”. He was the only scientist from mainland China attending the Forum. Speaking with two other experts at the session, Professor Cui expressed his view on the rapid advances of science and technology in China in recent years and the contribution of innovation to the Chinese economy. The panelists confirm the unstoppable trend of transition from “made in China” to “create in China”, given the huge increase of investment in R&D and innovation activities taking place in recent years in China. Based on his own personal experience, Professor Cui spoke of a series new measures taken by the central and local government in drawing overseas talents, especially the efforts at the Suzhou Industrial Park, which is jointly founded by the Singapore and China 18 years ago, to transit from conventional manufacturing industry to high-tech industry. Audience actively participated the panel discussion. The Singapore’s deputy premier and minister of finance also attended the Forum and made a key note speech. 

Professor Zheng Cui as a panelist at the FutureChina global Forum
