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Prof. Yuan Chen from NTU (SG) Visit SINANO

Author:WANG yalong Update time:Mar 05, 2014

On march 3nd, 2014 Prof. Yuan Chen from School of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering (SCEB), Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore (SG) was invited by Prof. Liwei Chen (vice-director of SINANO) to visit Suzhou Institute of Nano-Tech & Nano-bionics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (SINANO). Researchers and graduated students attended the lecture.  

Prof. Yuan Chen research interests focus on synthesizing carbon nanomaterials with well-defined atomic structures and exploring their novel applications. He gave a talk entitled “Chiral-Selective Growth of Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes”. In his talk, Prof. Chen presented the Co as active site in catalytic Growth of Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes in detail, then presented their novel applications in energy conversion and antibacterial in recently year. 


Associate Professor Yuan Chen obtained his B.E. in Chemical Engineering and M.E. in Biochemical Engineering at Tsinghua University in 1999 and 2001, respectively, and completed his PhD in Chemical Engineering with Prof. Lisa Pfefferle and Prof. Gary Haller at Yale University in 2005. He joined the School of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering (SCBE) in Nanyang Technological University as an Assistant Professor in 2005. He was promoted to a tenured Associate Professor in 2010. He was visiting Associate Professor at Brown University in 2010 and visiting Chair Professor at Tianjin University of Technology in China since 2011. He received Young Scientist Awards by Singapore National Academy of Science in 2011. He serves as Head of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Division in SCBE since July 2011. He has published papers on JACS, ACS NANO, J Catal and so on high ranking journals. 


