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Dr. Alexei Globov(CEO) from OptiGrate Corp Visited SINANO

Author:CHEN Qin Update time:Mar 21, 2014

Invited by Prof. Zhaoran Huang, Dr. Alexei Globov came to visit SINANO on March 21, 2014. During his visit, DrGlobov gave a fantastic talk on “Recent Advances in Volume Bragg Grating Technologies for Spectroscopy and High Power Lasers”, reviewing the progress of Volume Bragg Grating (VBG) technology developed by his company in the past few years. 

In this presentation, DrGlobov introduced the mechanism and their novel fabrication technique of VBG in details, and their classic products such as transmissive VBG, reflective VBG, chirped VBG and multiplexed VBG. He also demonstrated achievements in several areas of VBG applications such as high power narrow band diode lasers, ultra-short pulse lasers, ultra-low frequency (THz) Raman spectroscopy, and high power spectral beam combining. The outstanding performance parameters of their VBG include over 99% diffraction efficiency, temperature stabilization up to 400°C, linewidth as small as 20 pm, etc. 

After the lecture, Dr. Alexei Globov had extensive discussions on VBG with research scientists from SINANO.


Dr. Glebov has started his industrial career at Bell Laboratories in NJ and moved to Silicon Valley in the late 1990s. He worked for over a decade in various engineering and management positions with key optoelectronics manufacturers such as Finisar, Fujitsu, and Lucent Technologies. In 2008, Dr. Glebov was appointed CEO of OptiGrate Corp and moved to Orlando, Fl to lead the company to a greater success. Dr. Glebov’s experience ranges from advanced technology development to commercialization, new product introduction, and manufacturing of leading edge optoelectronic devices and systems. He received his Ph.D. and M.S. in Applied Physics from Georg-August University of Gottingen, Germany, and University of St. Petersburg, Russia, respectively. He has 35 US patents and more than 50 peer-reviewed journal publications and book chapters. He is a frequent invited lecturer, editor of numerousconference proceedings bands, conference and symposium chair, and executive organizing and program committee member at major professional photonics meetings and trade shows.

OptiGrate Corp designs and manufactures unique holographic optical elements and filters for optoelectronic, analytical, medical, and securityapplications. Since 1999, OptiGrate has received numerous awards and grants from the US government agencies to develop and manufacture cutting-edge technology products. OptiGrate’s volume Bragg gratings were delivered to more than 400 customers on 6 continents. Today OptiGrate has 35 employees and is located in the Orlando metro area, several miles away from the University of Central Florida where we design, develop, and make all of our products. Our unique facility includes a photosensitive glass production area, a holographic area, and a laser development laboratory. In 2011 OptiGrate was elected one of the 50 Florida Companies to Watch and received the Small Manufacturer of the Year award in 2012 from the Manufacturers Association of Central Florida.
