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Prof. Luis M. Liz-Marzán from Spain Visited SINANO

Author:ZHU Qiannan Update time:Apr 03, 2014

In the afternoon of April 2, the famous nano scientist Prof. Luis M. Liz-Marzán from Spain was invited to give an excellent speech entitled “Anisotropic and Janus metal nanoparticles”. Prof. Ni Weihai hosted the lecture. Many researchers and graduate students participated in this report. 

At the meeting, Professor Liz-Marzán firstly introduced the synthetic methods and growth mechanism of gold nonorods, and then he described the template synthesis of Janus metal nano particles and its application in SERS detection in detail. After the report finished, Professor Liz-Marzán exchanged with the researchers and students present and answer related questions. 

Professor Liz-Marzán is not only a member of the Royal Society of Chemistry, but also acts as the president of Spanish branch of Royal Society of Chemistry of Colloids and Interfaces. At the same time, he is editorial board member of various journals. Professor Liz-Marzán presided over the writing of two books, "Nanoscale Materials" and "Low-Dimensional Systems. Theory, Preparation, and Some Applications", Kluwer 2003. In his more than 20 years of academic career, Professor Liz-Marzán has published more than 280 mainstream papers in international journals and his articles have been cited more than 15,000 times, H index reaches as high as 68. 
