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Prof. QIU Cheng Wei from National University of Singapore Visited SINANO

Author:DONG Zhuo Update time:Aug 03, 2017

On July 31, invited by Prof. ZHANG Kai, Prof. QIU Cheng Wei from National University of Singapore visited Suzhou Institute of Nano-Tech & Nano-bionics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (SINANO) and made an exciting report named “Structured Metasurfaces and 2D Material Surfaces”.
In this talk, Prof. QIU Cheng Wei report some of the most recent developments in engineering and manipulating light-matter interactions, via the artificially constructed metamaterials of ultrathin thickness compared to the wavelength. In particular, the low-dimension and high-frequency scaling may promise a lot more interesting applications, while the challenges in design principle and fabrication capability will become critical limits.
Specifically, Prof. QIU Cheng Wei discussed Nano-patterned surfaces to modulate and structure novel light behavior will be studied and the following advanced functionalities will be discussed, e.g., farfield super-resolution imaging, 3D meta-hologram, dynamic OAM generation, plasmonic high-resolution prints, etc. And his work paves a roadmap to design sophisticated and advanced optical devices, with low dimension, miniaturization, randomness, and scaled-up capability.
