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Structured Metasurfaces and 2D Material Surfaces
Update time: 2017-07-25
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Speaker:Prof.QIU Chengwei
Sponsor:Prof.ZHANG Kai
Time:10:00a.m.Monday,July 31th
He will report some of the most recent developments in engineering and manipulating light-matter interactions, via the artificially constructed metamaterials of ultrathin thickness compared to the wavelength. In particular, the low-dimension and high-frequency scaling may promise a lot more interesting applications, while the challenges in design principle and fabrication capability will become critical limits. Nano-patterned surfaces to modulate and structure novel light behavior will be studied and the following advanced functionalities will be discussed, e.g., farfield super-resolution imaging, 3D meta-hologram, dynamic OAM generation, plasmonic high-resolution prints, etc. Our work paves a roadmap to design sophisticated and advanced optical devices, with low dimension, miniaturization, randomness, and scaled-up capability.
Prof. QIU Chengwei received his B.Eng. and Ph. D. degree in 2003 and 2007, respectively. He was a Postdoctoral Fellow at Physics Department in MIT till the end of 2009. Since December 2009, he joined NUS as an Assistant Professor and was promoted to Associate Professor with tenure in Jan 2017. He was the recipient of the SUMMA Graduate Fellowship in Advanced Electromagnetics in 2005, IEEE AP-S Graduate Research Award in 2006, URSI Young Scientist Award in 2008, NUS Young Investigator Award in 2011, MIT TR35@Singapore Award in 2012, Young Scientist Award by Singapore National Academy of Science in 2013, and Faculty Young Research Award in NUS 2013. His research interests are in the areas of electromagnetic wave theory of transformation optic metamaterials, light-matter interaction, and nanophotonics. He has published over 160 peer-reviewed journal papers including 1 Nature Photonics, 8 Nature Communications, 4 Physical Review Letters, 10 Advanced Materials, and other publications on Nano Lett./ACS Nano, Sci. Adv., LSA, Adv. Funct. Mater., ROPP, etc. His research has received a lot of press coverage by Science, Viewpoint Physics, PRL Synopsis, Physics World, Phys.Org, ScienceDaily, MIT Technology Review, SPIE Newsroom, A&EN etc. He has given quite a few keynotes and many more Invited Talks in international conferences. He has been serving in Associate Editor for various journals such as EPJ, Scientific Reports, Topical Editor for JOSA B, Guest Editor for ACS Photonics, and General Chairs and TPC Chairs in various conferences.

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