Speaker:Prof.MENG Xinfei,National Chiao Tung University Time: Friday,10:00 a.m.,27th April Place:D111,SINANO Abstract: Semitransparent efficient organic photovoltaic panels (OPV) with good color perception are demonstrated using blade coating technique. The panel is fabricated on 20 cm x 30 cm glass substrate with total active area of 216 cm2, including 16 cells connected in series. Semitransparent cathodes are made up of a combination of thin 3 nm Al and 20 nm Ag. Non-conjugated organic cathode interfacial layer by blade coating is used to replace of the conventional LiF interface by vacuum evaporation. The organic interface layer gives higher efficiency and much better stability. Fine-tuned injection is used to improve the active layer thickness uniformity in accelerated blade coating. For a mean thickness of 100 nm a variation of 4 nm can be reached. For device structure ITO/PEDOT:PSS / PBDTTT-EFT (PTB7-Th): PC71BM / interlayer/Al/Ag, power conversion of 5.6% is achieved for opaque panel whereas 4.5% is achieved for semi-transparent panel. When the non-fullerene electron donor is used, the panel efficiency is raised to 6.5%. The panels show good stability under thermal stress at 80 C and under the out door conditions.