CHEN Yanyan / 陈艳艳
  • Department:Division of Nanobiomedicine Research
  • Position:Associate Professor
  • Expertise:Optical biosensor; In-vitro biomedical detection; Active nanomaterial;
  • Email:yychen2006@sinano.ac.cn
Research Interest
1. optical biosensor;

2. the detection of cancer marker profile;

3. Lipid bilayer;


Oct. 2008 - Present 

Associate Professor, 

Division of nanobiomedicine SINANO, CAS 

Aug. 2006-Sep.2008 

Assistant Professor 

Division of nanobiomedicine SINANO, CAS 


Ph.D. 2007 

General Mechanics 


M.S. 2002 

Particle and Nuclear Physics

Northeast Normal University 

B.S. 1999 


Northeast Normal University 

Selected Publication:
  1. Chenghong Huang, Jixiang Li, Yu Tang, Yanyan Chen*, Gang Jin*,Detection of duck hepatitis virus serotype1 by biosensor based on imaging ellipsometry, Current Applied Physics 11 (2011) 353-357
  2. Chenghong Huang, YanyanChen*, ChunxiaWang, WeiZhu, HongweiMa, GangJin* ,Detection of alpha-fetoprotein through biological signal amplification by biosensor based on imaging ellipsometry,Thin Solid Films  519 (2011) 2763–2767
  3. Yibang Zhang, Yanyan Chen*, Gang Jin*, PEGylated , phospholipid membrane on polymer
     cushion and its interaction with cholesterol, Langmuir 2010, 26(13), 11140–11144
  4. ChenghongHuang, Yanyan Chen*, GangJin*, A one-step immunoassay for carbohydrate antigen 19-9 by biosensor based on imaging ellipsometry, Annals of Biomedical Engineering,  Vol. 39, No. 1, January 2011 (_ 2010) pp. 185–192
  5. Y.Y. Chen, Y-H. Meng, G. Jin. Optimization of off-null ellipsometry for air/solid interfaces, Applied Optics Vol. 46, No. 36 (2007)8475-8481.
  6. Y-Y. Chen, G. Jin. Refractive index and thickness analysis of natural SiO2 film growing on Silicon with variable-angle spectroscopic ellipsometry, Spectroscopy, 2006, 21(10), 26-31.
  7. Y-Y. Chen, Z-H. Wang, Y-H. Meng, G. Jin,Biosensor with total internal reflection imaging ellipsometry, International Journal of Nanotechnology, 2006,4,171-178