GAO Xuefeng / 高雪峰
  • Department:Nanobionic Research Division
  • Position:Professor
  • Expertise:Bionic nanomaterials and nanodevices; Bionic high-efficiency energy-saving materials; Bionic sensors and SERS-based sensing
  • Email:xfgao2007@sinano.ac.cn
Research Interest
1. Low-cost, large-area manufacture technology of bionic nanotaper arrays;

2. Interfacial physical chemistry of bionic nanomaterials and nanodevices;

3. Nanointerface electrochemistry.


Jan. 2010 - Present 


Nanobionic Research Division, SINANOCAS 

Jun. 2007 - Dec. 2009 

Associate Professor 

Nanobionic Research Division, SINANOCAS 

Aug. 2006 - Jun. 2007 

Assistant Professor

Key Lab of Organic Solids, ICCAS 


Ph.D. 2006 

Physical Chemistry

Institute of Chemistry, CAS (ICCAS) 

B.S. 2000 

Polymer Science and Engineering 

Suzhou University 

Selected Publication:
  1. Xuefeng Gao, Lei Jiang,* Water-Repellent Legs of Water Striders. Nature 2004, 432, 36.
  2. Xuefeng Gao, Xin Yan, Xi Yao, Liang Xu, Kai Zhang, Junhu Zhang, Bai Yang,* Lei Jiang*, The Dry-style Antifogging Properties of Mosquito Compound Eyes and Artificial Analogues Prepared by Soft Lithography. Adv. Mater. 2007, 19, 2213.
  3. Xuefeng Gao,* Xi Yao, Lei Jiang, Effects of Rugged Nanoprotrusions on the Surface Hydrophobicity and Water Adhesion of Anisotropic Micropatterns. Langmuir 2007, 23, 4886.
  4. Yuekun Lai, Xuefeng Gao,* Huifang Zhuang, Changjian Lin,* Lan Sun, Lei Jiang, Design and Creation of Superhydrophobic Nanostructure Surfaces with Controllable Water Adhesion. Adv. Mater. 2009, 21, 3799.
  5. Xi Yao, Qinwen Chen, Liang Xu, Qikai Li, Yanlin Song, Xuefeng Gao,* David Quéré,* Lei Jiang*, Bioinspired ribbed nanoneedles with robust super-hydrophobicity. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2010, 20, 656.