JIANG Chunping / 蒋春萍
  • Department:Division Of Nano-Devices & Materials
  • Position:Professor
  • Expertise:MBE and PLD growth of III-V semiconductors, transition metal compounds and dielectric layer materials; Metamaterial & Metasurface device and power electronics design; On-chip Integrated Micro and Nano Systems
  • Email:cpjiang2008@sinano.ac.cn
Research Interest

1Metamaterial & Metasurface

2III-V Nitrides Semiconductor Devices

3Nanofabrication & Integrated Micro and Nano Systems (IMNS)


Aug.2008-present     Professor           Nano-Devices & Materials Division, SINANO, CAS, China

Jun.2018-Aug. 2018   Visiting scholar       CNRS-IJL-Institut Jean Lamour, France

Nov. 2004-Jun.2007   Scientific researcher     Max-Planck Institute for Solid State Research, Germany

Nov.2002-Nov.2004   Postdoctoral research fellow  Institute of Semiconductors, CAS, China    



Ph.D. 2002  Microelectronics and solid state electronics  Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics, CAS, China

M.S. 1999   Optics        Soochow University, China

B.S. 1996    Physics       Soochow University, China    

Selected Publication:

1.Yu Lin, Yangeng Dong, Ti Sun, Yongmin Zhao, Miao Wang*, Jingpei Hu*, Chinhua Wang, Zhongming Zeng, and Chunping Jiang*, High-efficiency Optical Sparse Aperture Metalens Based on GaN Nanobrick Array, Advanced Optical Materials, 2022, 2102756.

2.Fengfeng Liu, Yuxiong Li, Xavier Devaux, Yuan Lu, Yi Luo*, Zhanpeng Sui, Yong Cai, and Chunping Jiang* High-Temperature Stability Amorphous Ternary AlBN Dielectric Films on N++ GaN, Advanced Engineering Materials, 2022, 2200191.

3.Yu Lin, Gaige Zheng, Qian Xin, Quan Yuan, Yongmin Zhao, Shuming Wang,* Zhen-Lin Wang, Shi-Ning Zhu, Chunping Jiang*, and Aimin Song*, Electrically Switchable and Flexible Color Displays Based on All-Dielectric Nanogratings, ACS Applied Nano Materials, 2021, 4(7), 7182-7190.

4.Yongmin Zhao, Yu Lin, Zhongming Zeng, Chengxi Su, Chunping Jiang*, Determination of the dynamic dielectric function of PEDOT:PSS from the visible to the near-infrared region, Optical Materials Express, 2021, 11(9), 3049-3055.

5.Yu Lin, Xingliang Zhang, Qian Xin, Yongmin Zhao, Aimin Song, Zhongming Zeng, Fan Yang*, Chunping Jiang*, Tunable Electrochromic Au Nanorod-Based Metalenses for Visible Light Optics Express, 2021, 29(26), 43011-43021.