2. Construction of nano-carriers for targeted medicine;
3. Bioactivity of nano-materials.
Jan. 2008 - Present |
Professor |
Biomedicine Division, SINANO, CAS |
Nov. 2005-Jan.2008 |
Post-doc scholar |
Department of Chemical Engineering, UCSB |
Sept. 2003-Nov 2005 |
Research Fellow (Grade B) |
Department of Biochemistry, National University of Singapore |
Sept.1999-June 2000 |
Consultant |
Division of Neurology, Tianjin 1st central Hospital |
Aug.1996-Sept 1999 |
Resident Doctor |
Division of Neurology, Tianjin 1st central Hospital |
Ph.D. 2005 |
Biochemistry |
National University of Singapore |
M.S. 1996 |
Clinical Medicine |
Tianjin Medical University |
1991 |
Biology |
Nankai University |