CHENG Guosheng / 程国胜
  • Department:Division of Nanobiomedicine Research
  • Position:Professor
  • Expertise:Nanowire-based biosensors, Nanoelectronics,
  • Email:gscheng2006@sinano.ac.cn
Research Interest
Nanowire-based biosensors, Nanoelectronics, Nano-bio interfaces on stem cell  differentiation


Jun. 2007 -   Present


Division of Nanobiomedicine Research, SINANO, CAS

Sep. 2006 - May.2007

Sr. Research Scientist

California NanoSystem institute

University ofCalifornia, Santa Barbara

Feb. 2004 - Sep2006

Associate Research Scientist

Yale  institute for NanoScience and Quantum Engineering, 

Yale University

Apr. 2000 - Feb. 2004

Postdoctoral Researcher

Chemistry Department at UC Santa Barbara & University of Toronto

 (Supervisor: Prof. Martin Moskovits)


Ph.D. 1999

Institute of Solid State Physics, ChineseAcademy of Sciences, Advisor: Prof. Lide Zhang

B.S. 1994

Department of Physics, Anhui Normal University

Selected Publication:
  1. Xiumei Geng, Liang Niu, Zhenyuan Xing, Rensheng Song, Guangtong Liu, Mengtao Sun, Guosheng Cheng,* Haijian Zhong, Zhenghui Liu, Zhijun Zhang, Lianfeng Sun, Hongxing Xu, Li Lu, and Liwei Liu* Aqueous-processable noncovalent chemically converted graphene-quantum dots composites for flexible and transparent optoelectronic devices Advanced Materials, 22, 638 (2010).
  2. Beibei Zhang, Tao Kong, Wenzhi Xu, Ruigong Su, Yunhua Gao*, Guosheng Cheng* Surface Functionalization of Zinc Oxide by CarboxyAlkylphosphonic Acid Self-Assembled Monolayers
    Langmuir,  26, 4514–4522  (2010).
  3. Haibin Liu, Lin Shi, Xiumei Geng, Ruigong Su, Guosheng Cheng* and Sishen Xie* Reactant-governing Growth Direction of Indium Nitride Nanowires Nanotechnology, 21, 245601(2010).
  4. Brutchey, RL; Cheng, GS; Gu, Q; et al. Positive temperature coefficient of resistivity in donor-doped BaTiO3 ceramics derived from nanocrystals synthesized at low temperature Advanced Materials, 20 (5): 1029, MAR 5 2008.
  5. Chen, J; Cheng, G; Stern, E; et al. Electrically excited infrared emission from nanowire transistors Nano Letters, 7 (8): 2276-2280, AUG 2007.
  6. Kolmakov, A; Zhang, YX; Cheng, GS; et al. Detection of CO and O-2 using tin oxide nanowire sensors Advanced Materials, 15 (12): 997, JUN 17 2003.
  7. Wu, YY; Cheng, GS; Katsov, K; et al. Composite mesostructures by nano-confinement Nature Materials, 3 (11): 816-822, NOV 2004.
  8. Cheng, GS; Kolmakov, A; Zhang, YX; et al. Current rectification in a single GaN nanowire with a well-defined p-n junction Applied Physics Letters, 83 (8): 1578-1580, AUG 25 2003.
  9. Cheng, GS; Moskovits, M, A highly regular two-dimensional array of an quantum dots deposited in a periodically nanoporous GaAs epitaxial layer, Advanced Materials,14 (21): 1567, NOV 4 2002.