XU Gengzhao / 徐耿钊
  • Department:Platform for Characterization & Test
  • Position:Associate Professor
  • Expertise:Scanning probe microscopy; Near-field Optics
  • Email:gzxu2010@sinano.ac.cn
Research Interest
1.  SPM instrument;

2.  Electronic and optoelectronic properties at semiconductor interfaces.


May. 2010 - Present 

Associate Professor

Platform for Characterization & Test, SINANO,CAS 

Oct. 2007-Mar.2010 

Postdoctoral Research Assistant 

School of Physics and Astronomy, Cardiff University 

Jan. 2006-July 2007 

Postdoctoral Research Assistant 

LEOM, Ecole Centrale de Lyon


Ph.D. 2006 

Condensed Matter Physics

Peking University 

B.S.    2000 


Peking University

Selected Publication:
  1. "Transition Voltage Spectroscopy of Porphyrin Molecular Wires"; Small;6(22), 2604-2611;Neil Bennett*, Gengzhao Xu, Louisa J.Esdaile, Harry L.Anderson, J. Emyr Macdonald, Martin Elliott; 2010.
  2. "STM Study of Molecule Double-Rows in Mixed Self-Assembled Monolayers of Alkanethiols"; Langmuir; 26 (11), 8174-8179; Gengzhao Xu*, Phillip D Woodruff, Neil Bennett, Martin Elliott, J Emyr Macdonald; 2010.
  3. "Competition between InP and In2O3 islands during the growth of InP on SrTiO3”; Journal of Applied Physcis; 104, 033509;  G. Saint-Girons*, P. Regreny, J. Cheng, G. Patriarche, L Largeau, M. Gendry, G. Xu, Y. Robach, C. Botella, G. Grenet, G. Hollinger; 2008.
  4. "Spontaneous compliance of the InP/SrTiO3 heterointerface"; Applied Physics Letters; 92 (24), 241907; G. Saint-Girons*, C. Priester, P. Regreny, G. Patriarche, L Largeau, V. Favre-Nicolin, G. Xu, Y. Robach, M. Gendry, G. Hollinger; 2008.
  5. "Self-Absorption Effect in the Spatial Resolved Spectra of CdS Nano-Ribbon Optical Waveguide Observed by Near-Field Spectroscopy"; Optical Review; 13 (4), 235-238; Dan LIU, An Lian PAN, Gengzhao XU, Yongqiang Bai, Xing Zhu*, Bingsuo Zhou; 2006.
  6. "Low-temperature scanning near-field optical microscope and spectroscopy: Application in quantum well device"; Journal of the Korean Physical Society; 47, 109-114;  Gengzhao XU, Weihua ZHANG, Xing ZHU*, Hu LIANG, Yun-Dong QI, Kay May LAU; 2005.
  7. "Study of temperature dependent electroluminescence of InGaN/GaN multiple quantum wells using low temperature scanning near-field optical microscopy"; Acta Physica Sinica; 54 (11), 5344-5349; Xu Geng-Zhao, Liang Hu, Bai Yong-Qiang, Lau Kei May, Zhu Xing*; 2005.