SHI Lin / 石林
  • Department:Platform for Charcaterization & Test
  • Position:Associate Professor
  • Expertise:ab-initio simulations of materials and nanostructures; phonon spectrum of III-nitride semiconductor; electron-phonon coupling;
  • Email:lshi2007@sinano.ac.cn
Research Interest
  1. The non-radiative rate for the impurity pair in GaN;
  2. Researched the GaN and InGaN/Gan nanowires;
  3. Researched an ordering orientation transition of alloy films;


Jan. 2010 - Present 

Associate Professor

Platform for Characterization and Test, SINANO, CAS 

Mar. 2011 - Mar. 2012

Visiting Scholar

MSD, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Jun.2007 - Dec.2009 

Assistant Professor 

Platform for Characterization and Test, SINANO, CAS 


Ph.D. 2007 

Condensed Matter Physics 

Tsinghua University

B.S. 2002 


Southeast University

Selected Publication:
  1. L. Shi, K. Xu, K. L. Xiong, H. Yang, and J. Ni, Influence of the electronic states anisotropy on the band gap pressure coefficient of InxGa1-xN alloys, J. Appl. Phys. 106, 113511 (2009).
  2. L. Shi and J. Ni, Kinetic-anisotropy-induced ordering-orientation transitions calculated in CoPt alloys under various epitaxial growth conditions, Phys. Rev. B 77, 035407 (2008).
  3. L. Shi and J. Ni, Kinetic anisotropy induced ordering orientation transition in epitaxial growth:A method to synthesize ordering orientation superlattices, Phys. Rev. Lett. 97(12), 126105 (2006)
  4. L. Shi and J. Ni, Kinetically induced ordering oscillation during epitaxial growth of a fcc multilayer alloy, Phys. Rev. B 69(15), 155428 (2004)
  5. L. Shi, H.T. Shi, and J. Ni, Compositional ordering kinetics of epitaxial growth of fcc alloy systems, Comput. Mater. Sci. 30, 326 (2004)