ZHANG Hailu / 张海禄
  • Department:Division of Nanobiomedicine
  • Position:Professor
  • Expertise:Pharmaceutical crystallography;Solid state NMR; MR micro-imaging;
  • Email:hlzhang2008@sinano.ac.cn
Research Interest

1. Short strong hydrogen bonds in pharmaceutical crystalline complexes.

2. Similar but different crystal structures.

3, Chiral crystallography.



Apr. 2017-


Laboratory of MR Spectroscopy & Imaging, SINANO, CAS

Jan. 2016-Feb. 2019

Assistant Director

Institute of Nano-device and Nano-material, Jiangsu Industrial Technology Research Institute

Nov. 2010-Mar. 2017

Associate Professor

Laboratory of MR Spectroscopy & Imaging, SINANO, CAS

Oct. 2009-Mar. 2009

Visiting Fellow

"National Sun Yat-sen University", Taiwan

Nov. 2008-Oct. 2010

Postdoctoral Research Fellow


Jul. 2008-Nov. 2008

Assistant Professor



Ph.D. 2008

Radio Physics

Wuhan Institute of Physics and Mathematics, CAS

M.S. 2004

Chemical Engineering

Wuhan University of Science and Technology

B.S. 2002

Chemical Engineering

Wuhan University of Science and Technology

Selected Publication:

1. Xin Chen, Duanxiu Li, Hailu Zhang*, Yanwen Duan, Yong Huang*. Co-amorphous Systems of Sinomenine with Platensimycin or Sulfasalazine: Physical Stability and Excipient-adjusted Release Behavior. Mol. Pharmaceutics 2022, DOI: 10.1021/acs.molpharmaceut.2c00785.

2. Xiaojuan Wang, Qihuang Xie, Di Gao, Xin Ye, Zongwu Deng, Hailu Zhang*. Similarity and Diversity: Cocrystallization of Baricitinib with Four C4-Dicarboxylic Acids. Cryst. Growth Des. 2022, 22, 3218-3227.

3. Xin Chen, Duanxiu Li, Zongwu Deng, Hailu Zhang*. Ketoconazole: Solving the Poor Solubility via Cocrystal Formation with Phenolic Acids. Cryst. Growth Des. 2020, 20, 6973-6982.

4. Xiaojuan Wang, Di Gao, Duanxiu Li, Qihuang Xie, Zongwu Deng, Hailu Zhang*. Collecting the Molecular and Ionization States of Irbesartan in the Solid State. Cryst. Growth Des. 2020, 20, 5664-5669.

5. Ningbo Gong, Yong Zhang, Ying Wang, Hongmei Yu, Baoxi Zhang, Hailu Zhang*, Yang Lu*, Guanhua Du. Versatile Salts as a Strategy to Modify the Biopharmaceutical Properties of Venlafaxine and Potential Hypoglycemic Effect Study. Cryst. Growth Des. 2020, 20, 3131-3139.

6. Yue Yuan, Duanxiu Li, Chenguang Wang, Shaodong Chen, Minmin Kong, Zongwu Deng, Changquan Calvin Sun, Hailu Zhang*. Structural Features of Sulfamethizole and Its Cocrystals: Beauty Within. Cryst. Growth Des. 2019, 19, 7185-7192.

7. Zhijie Zhang, Duanxiu Li, Chun Luo, Chunxiang Huang, Ruchen Qiu, Zongwu Deng, Hailu Zhang*. Cocrystals of Natural Products: Improving the Dissolution Performance of Flavonoids Using Betaine. Cryst. Growth Des. 2019, 19, 3851-3859.

8. Yue Yuan, Lin Wang, Duanxiu Li, Zongwu Deng, Hailu Zhang*. How Many Parameters Can Affect the Solid Form of Cocrystallization Products in Mechanochemical Reactions? A Case Study. Cryst. Growth Des. 2018, 18, 7244-7247.

9. Jianhui Li, Jiaoyang Li, Minmin Kong, Xue Fu, Huaguang Yu, Zongwu Deng, Hailu Zhang*. Quinine Acesulfamates. Cryst. Growth Des. 2017, 17, 58-66.

10. Lin Wang, Min Luo, Jianhui Li, Jianming Wang, Hailu Zhang*, Zongwu Deng. Sweet Theophylline Cocrystal with Two Tautomers of Acesulfame. Cryst. Growth Des. 2015, 15, 2574-2578.