ZHANG Zehong / 张泽洪
  • Department:Nanofabrication Facility
  • Position:Professor
  • Expertise:Epitaxial growth of SiC and other semiconductor Materials; Semiconductor equipment and process; IC fabrication especially metallization
  • Email:zhzhang2010@sinano.ac.cn
Research Interest
  1. Epitaxial growth of semiconductors, including CVD, MOCVD, ALD;
  2. Semiconductor equipment;
  3. SiC material, characterization and devices.


Aug. 2011 - Present


Nanofabrication Facility, SINANO, CAS

Jul. 2006 - Jul. 2011

Key Account Technologist

Applied Material, Inc

Dec. 2005-Jun. 2006


University of South Carolina


Ph.D. 2005 

Electronic Engineering

University of South Carolina

M.S. 2002 

Microelectronics and Solid-state Electronics

Institute of Semiconductors CAS 

B.S. 1999 

Materials Science and Engineering

Tsinghua University 

Selected Publication:
  1. Z. Zhang, R.E. Stahlbush, P. Pirouz and T.S. Sudarshan, “Characteristics of Dislocation Half-Loop Arrays in 4H-SiC Homo-Epilayer,” J. Electronic Materials, Vol 36(5), 539-542 (2007)
  2. Z. Zhang, Moulton, E.  T. S. Sudarshan, “Mechanism of eliminating basal plane dislocations in SiC thin films by epitaxy on an etched substrate”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, 081910 (2006).
  3. Z. Zhang, S. I. Maximenko, A. Shrivastava, P. Sadagopan, Y. Gao and T. S. Sudarshan, “Propagation of stacking faults from surface damage in SiC PiN diodes”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 88, 062101 (2006).
  4. Z. Zhang and T. S. Sudarshan, “Growth of Low Basal Plane Dislocation Density SiC Epitaxial Layers ”, Mater. Sci. Forum Vol 527-529, 243(2006).
  5. Z. Zhang, A. Shrivastava and T. S. Sudarshan, “Why Are Only Some Basal Plane Dislocations Converted to Threading Edge Dislocations During SiC Epitaxy”, Mater. Sci. Forum Vol 527-529, 419 (2006).
  6. Z. Zhang, A. E. Grekov, P. Sadagopan, S. I. Maximenko, and T. S. Sudarshan, “Performance of SiC PiN diodes fabricated on basal plane dislocation-free SiC epilayers”, Mater. Sci. Forum  Vol 527-529, 371 (2006).
  7. Z. Zhang and T. S. Sudarshan, “Basal plane dislocation-free epitaxy of silicon carbide”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 87, 151903(2005).
  8. Z. Zhang and T. S. Sudarshan, “Evolution of basal plane dislocations during 4H-silicon carbide homo-epitaxy”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 87, 161917(2005).
  9. Z. Zhang, Y. Gao, A. C. Arjunan, E. Y. Toupitsyn, P. Sadagopan, R. Kennedy, and T. S. Sudarshan, “CVD growth and characterization of 4H-SiC epitaxial film on as-cut (11-20) substrates”, Mater. Sci. Forum 483-485, 113(2005).
  10. Z. Zhang, Y. Gao, and T. S. Sudarshan, “Delineating structural defects in highly doped n-type 4H-SiC Substrates using a combination of thermal diffusion and molten KOH etching”, Electrochem. Solid-State Lett. 7, G264 (2004).
  11. 张泽洪, 沈小明, 冯志洪, 冯赣, 付翌, 张宝顺, 孙元平, 杨辉, "Pt/n-GaN 肖特基接触的热回火行为研究", 半导体学报 (2002).
  12. 张泽洪, 赵德刚, 孙元平, 冯志洪, 沈小明, 张宝顺, 冯赣, 郑新和, 朱建军, 王玉田, 杨辉, "立方相GaN的持续光电导研究", 半导体学报 (2002).