SHI Xiaohua / 史晓华
  • Department:Division of Nano-devices and Materials
  • Position:Associate Professor
  • Expertise:Micro-, Nano device fabrication; Nano imprinting; Ultra-precision optics fabrication;
  • Email:xhshi2012@sinano.ac.cn
Research Interest
  1. THz hologram devices;
  2. Large area fast and precision nano imprinting equipment and techniques;
  3. Aspheric optic part polishing;


Jan. 2012 - Present 

Associate Professor

Department of devices, SINANO, CAS 

Sep. 2008- Dec.2011 

Project Manager 

Zeeko Ltd, UK

Apr. 2007- Aug. 2008 

Postdoctoral Researcher

 University of Glasgow, UK 

Ph.D. 2007 


University of Bath,UK 

B.S. 2003 

Electrical Engineering 

Xi’an Jiaotong University 

Selected Publication:
  1. J. Grant, X. Shi, J. Alton, and D.R.S. Cumming, Terahertz Localized Surface Plasmon resonance of periodic silicon microring arrays,  Journal of Applied Physics, 2011 109 054903 .
  2. X. Shi, A. Cleary and D.R.S. Cumming, Multiple plasmon resonances at terahertz frequencies from arrays of arsenic doped silicon dots,  Microelectronic Engineering, oi:10.1016/j.mee.2008.12.070;
  3. X. Shi, W. Ding and D. Allsopp, “Multiwavelength Transmission Microcavity in SOI Planar Ridge Waveguides”, Journal of Lightwave Technology, 2007 vol. 25, No. 8, pp. 2206-2212;