LI Deyao / 李德尧
  • Department:Division of Nano-devices and Materials
  • Position:Professor
  • Expertise:Physics of laser diodes; Wide energy band-gap semiconductor material and device;
  • Email:dyli2012@sinano.ac.cn
Research Interest
  1. GaN-based laser diodes;
  2. GaN-based light-emitting diodes

Apr. 2012 - Present 


Department of Nano-devices and Materials, SINANO, CAS 

July 2006 - Mar.2012 

Assistant Professor 

Department of Physics, Beijing University of Chemical Technology

Jul. 1987 - Jul. 2003 

Assistant Professor

Physics section, Binzhou medical college


Ph.D. 2006 

Physics and Chemistry of material 

Graduate School,ChineseAcademyofSciences

M.S. 1995 

Optical physics

Beijing Normal University 

B.S. 1987 


Qufu Normal University

Selected Publication:
  1. D. Y. Li, Y. Z. Huang, J. J. Zhu, D. G. Zhao, Z. S. Liu, S. M. Zhang, X. J. Ye, M. Chong, L. H. Chen, H. Yang, and J. W. Liang. ”Thermal lensing effect in ridge structure InGaN multiple quantum well laser diodes”, J. Appl. Phys. 100, 046101-1 (2006).
  2. Li Deyao, Zhang Shuming, Wang Jianfeng, Chen Jun, Chen Lianghui, Chong Ming, Zhu Jianjun, Zhao Degang, Liu Zongshun, Yang Hui and Liang Junwu. “Characteristics of InGaN multiple quantum well blue-violet laser diodes”. Science in China Series E: Technological Science. 49, 727-732 (2006).
  3. Li Deyao, Huang Yongzhen, Zhang Shuming, , Chong Ming, Ye Xiaojun, Zhu Jianjun, Zhao Degang, Chen Lianghui, Yang Hui and Liang Junwu. “Temperature distribution in ridge structure InGaN laser diodes and its influence on device characteristics”. Chinese Journal of Semiconductors. 27,499-505 (2006).
  4. Yang Hui, Chen Lianghui, Zhang Shuming, Chong Ming, Zhu Jianjun, Zhao Degang, Ye Xiaojun, Li Deyao, Liu Zongshun, Duan Lihong, Zhao Wei, Wang Hai, Shi Yongsheng, Cao Qing, Sun Jie, Chen Jun, Liu Suying, Jin Ruiqin , and Liang Junwu, “Material growth and device fabrication of GaN-based blue-violet laser diodes”, Chinese Journal of Semiconductors. 26, 414-417 (2005)
  5. Q. Sun, J. C. Zhang, Y. Huang, J. Chen, J. F. Wang, H. Wang, D. Y. Li, Y. T. Wang, S. M. Zhang, H. Yang, C. L. Zhou, L. P. Guo, Q. J. Jia, “Influence of cracks generation on the structural and optical properties of GaN/AlGaN multiple quantum wells”, Appl. Surf. Sci. 252, 3043-3050 (2006)
  6. Y. Huang, H. Wang, Q. Sun, J. Chen, D. Y. Li, Y. T. Wang, H. Yang, “Low-temperature growth of InN by MOCVD and its characterization”, J. Cryst. Growth , 276, 13-18 (2005)
  7. H. J. Xu, D. Y. Li and X. J. Li, “Electronic band structure and optical properties of silicon nanoporous pillar array,” Phys. E, 41, 1882-1885 (2009).
  8. H. J. Xu, Yu Fei Chan, Lei Su, De Yao Li, and Xiao Ming Sun, “Enhanced field emission from ZnO nanowires grown on a silicon nanoporous pillar array,” J. Appl. Phys. 108, 114301 (2010).
  9. Wei Wang, Yuan Yue and Deyao Li, Anisotropy of magnetic properties in ferrimagnetic ytterbium iron garnet under high magnetic fields, Journal of Applied Physics, 105,  083909(2009)
    Wei Wang, Deyao Li, Properties of exchange interaction in Yb3Fe5O12 under extreme conditions, Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials, 321, 3307 (2009)