DI Hailong /
  • Department:Nanofabrication Facility
  • Position:Senior Engineer, Director of Equipment Recovery
  • Expertise:Repair and maintenance of SEMI equipment
  • Email:hldi2016@sinano.ac.cn
Research Interest
1. Component level repair equipment;

2. SW/HW development of SCM/MCU system;

3. PLC system and NC system development.



Jun. 2016 - Present 

Senior Engineer

Nanofabrication Facility, SINANO, CAS.,Suzhou,China 

Apr. 2007 -Jun.2016 

R&D Engineer

Liaoning Beike Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd., Anshan, China 

Jul. 1991-Mar.. 2007 

R&D Engineer 

Anshan Electronic Technology Research Institute, Anshan, China 


B.E.S. 1991 

Infrared Technology 

Changchun Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics

(Changchun University of Science and Technology)

Selected Publication: